Reliable, affordable, and accessible healthcare for all

The Hospital Online allows you to quickly access and call a doctor, expert, or nurse

Discover Turkey!

Turkey is a wonderful option that offers a full line of healthcare servicesthat suits best to your needs. With its experienced and well educated physicians who have been equipped with advanced healthcare technologies, Turkey offers financially affordable packages under its world-renowned hospitality standards. Meet with Turkey’s strong health system.

The hospital online is the most comprehensive digital healthcare platform with its unique features.

THO makes cutting-edge treatments, expert opinions AND 7/24 EMERGENCY CARE accessible WORLDWIDE with its medical team who can speak different languages and it's unique multilingual interface.


Need a quick specialist access

Wish to review and evaluate their health status and/or health reports

Need to review the made diagnosis, with another specialist

Have been offered different treatment options and can not decide

Need another assessment before undergoing serious procedures such as; surgeries and other interventions

Travel frequently


"Patients satisfaction is our priority."

Our patients can take advantage of our user-friendly interface with hands on help & step by step guidance links. User experience surveys at the end of the consultation helps patients to share their experience with us.

Become a member

After filling in the spaces that require information like First Name, Surname, and Contact Information, you can easily create your membership with your e-mail address and the password you set.

Find the doctor that you need

You can find the specialist physician you want to have an online interview with or to ask questions by looking them up in the search section by branch, city, doctor or hospital name.

Talk to Your Doctor

By having an online consultation with your doctor, you can ask any question you want regarding your health in any time.

How Can I Make The Most Of My Online Consultation ?

We’re glad you asked!

Coming prepared to your appointment helps you and the doctor make the most of your time together. It is important that you pay attention to some simple points and make a small preliminary preparation as before your physical doctor appointments. We have listed some of these points for you.


The basis of quality health services is an experienced and reliable team.

Online healthcare services are healthcare services in which patients and doctors come together on a digital platform.

In order to provide state of the art online healthcare services, THO unites its team with leading healthcare managers and expert doctors who have experience in renowned hospitals and institutions.

We offer well designed, unmatchable functions and unique user experience thanks to our high skilled IT team that has proven success in digital health services.

We are global

We produce global health services with our solution partners from all over the world in order to provide health services to everyone.

We are flexible

We can use our platform and the service we offer with our different configurations to meet your business needs.

We are experienced

We provide health services to many members from various countries of the world, with many well-known health institutions and specialist physicians worldwide, drawing on the strength of our parent company Medicopin LLC that has over 10 years of experience in the international digital healthcare industry.

We are innovative

As Medicopin LLC, we closely follow the latest technological developments and rapidly adopt the innovations that have proven their reliability to our services.


The Hospital Online's medical history service allows its users to combine and organize very important medical information such as allergies, surgeries, family history, lifestyle, habits and medications which can affect treatment options for various medical and vital cases of emergency


With this unique service, increases the success rate in the emergency care. Once a healthcare personnel who takes the emergency medical intervention has clear and detailed information about the medical history of a patient, it decreases the risk and increases the success rate of emergency action.


Our medical history includes both your personal health history and your family health history. Your personal health history has details about any health problems you’ve ever had.A family health history has details about health problems your blood relatives have had during their lifetimes.This information gives your doctor all kinds of important clues about what’s going on with your health because many diseases run in families. The history also tells your doctor what health issues you may be at risk for in the future.


Health Insurance Policies

While health insurance policies aim to produce reliable, quality, and easily accessible medical services to its policyholders through online health services, it also provides a second opinion before important decisions. The Hospital Online works to speed up members' adoption of online care services and ensure positive results.

Corporate Firms Worldwide

Many corporate companies around the world collaborate with Medicopin LLC to provide quality online health care to their employees, customers, and solution partners, and take advantage of our digital platforms tailored to meet different needs. These institutions enjoy the privilege of offering innovative and modern advantages while making high-quality health services available to their employees and members.

Hospitals and Health Systems

Many healthcare providers who aim to provide their existing patients and users in potential markets with reliable and quality online healthcare work with The Hospital Online. Thanks to the unique software of The Hospital Online that is specially prepared for these hospitals and health systems, they gain the opportunity to offer quality, user-friendly, and reliable online health services in global markets.

THO Application

Available on the App Store and Google Play!



530 East 76 St.
New York, 10021, USA

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